I feel sorry for the people concerned as I call the company “TETSU TAOSHITA Theater Company”, using my name. Almost every day I feel that I can not make any stage by myself. Nevertheless, I decided to put my name into the company because I want to “to take responsibility to create new stories to the world.”
Of course, there are many artists and company make works to the world. And some of them is succeed. However, I am aiming to make “new classics” works rather than be the successful one. “New classic” does not mean to borrow the classical form, it means a work that will be performed even 100 years later. The stories are not just about today, but also link to the realistic after 100 years. Sometimes I have to remove my eyes from the unique stories of the present age. Many of the powerful stories were about dealing with the problems of the modern society or the problems of land. But I choose to make universal stories instead of that. It is also an effort to pay respect to the Greek tragedy and Shakespeare. There are a lot of great playwrites. I would like to add works produced by this company at the end of the list. It might be a spectacular dream. And the results may not be recognized soon. But as a company dealing with sharing the dream, telling stories and delivering it to as many customers as possible …It is the aiming of TETSU TAOSHITA THEATRE COMPANY.
Maybe I am Don Quijote. Sometimes it is like challenging the windmill but missing the goal. However, with the members who participate in this company, I would like to spin a story toward the magnificent dream …. Firstly, we performed “Portrait of Beatrice Chench” and “Private Rehearsal” and tried to fuse classical works as “Marriage of Barber of Sevilla”. And I will continue the works, bring it to the West and creat new stories. I would like to make this effort with the TETSU TAOSHITA THEATRE COMPANY as the center of my future activities. Toward the goal :“New classics” ….
朗読劇「ガラスの動物園」 全4回公演
Reading drama “The Glass Menagerie” All 4 performances
Daikanyama Hillside Plaza / Ebisu Art Cafe · Friends
朗読劇「ベアトリーチェ・チェンチの肖像」 全2回公演
あいちトリエンナーレ2013 オープンアーキテクチャスペシャル企画
Reading drama “Portrait of Beatrice Chenchi” All 2 performances
Aichi Triennale 2013 Open Architecture Special Project
Nagoya Ceramics Hall
朗読劇「ベアトリーチェ・チェンチの肖像」 全2回公演
渋谷space EDGE
Reading drama “Portrait of Beatrice Chenchi “All 2 performances
Shibuya space EDGE
スタジオ公演「ベアトリーチェ・チェンチの肖像」 全2回公演
Studio performance “Portrait of Beatrice Chenchi” All 2 performances
Eri no Kuni Toyohashi Arts Theater PLAT Art Space
スタジオ公演「ベアトリーチェ・チェンチの肖像」 全4回公演
Studio performance “portrait of Beatrice chenchi” All 4 performances
Theater 1010 mini theater
「プライヴェート・リハーサル」 全6回公演
“Private rehearsal” All 6 performances
Nippori d – warehouse
オペラ「セヴィリアの理髪師の結婚」 全2回公演
JTアートホール アフィニス
Opera “Marriage of barber of Sevillia” All 2 performances
JT Art Hall Affinis
This company is organized by TETSU TAOSHITA, Consisting of staff members of director and production etc. The mission is “Based on the world performing arts, pursue “Artistic” and “Sociality” of the performing arts in contemporary Japan through practice”. In artistic sense, we aim to “Create new classical productions that can be performed even 100 years later”, through the continuous creation of universal works, not “transiently consumed” works. In terms of sociality, we emphasize not only performance, but also the “process” that creates (theater) in each of the producers, performers, and audiences, and develops activities that are conscious of how they engage with society for each project.
Taking advantage of knowledge and experience of TETSU TAOSHITA, who has been involved in many productions in Japan and abroad, we hope to make a high quality work of opera, musical and straight play, and long-term efforts to make development of performing arts. At the same time, we aim for the performance of high-quality work in all over Japan, mainly in Tokyo, to make theater culture well-knowing and improved. Moreover, I am pleased if it can appeal to the world and be able to play for the art culture of Japan.