1972年兵庫生まれ、横浜育ち。東京大学工学部建築学科卒。同大学院学際情報学府修士課程修了。ドイツ人演出家ミヒャエル・ハンペとの出会いを機に本格的に演出を学び、2000年から演出家として活動を開始。03年より新国立劇場に所属し、オペラ・チーフ演出スタッフとして約70以上のプロダクションに参加。アンドレアス・ホモキ、ジョナサン・ミラー、グリーシャ・アサガロフなど世界の第一線で活躍する演出家と協働した。2009年、第20回五島記念文化賞オペラ新人賞受賞。同年6月、チューリヒ歌劇場『カヴァレリア・ルスティカーナ/道化師』で共同演出家・振付家としてヨーロッパデビュー。近年はオペラの演出に留まらず、ミュージカルやストレイトプレイ、映像作品など多彩な作品に携わっている。2010年8月からら11月まで、打ち合わせから3ヶ月の稽古期間、NYリンカーンセンターの新作ミュージカル「神経症ギリギリの女たち」(バートレット・シャー演出)に参加。本場NYでのプロダクションの現場を経験した。他に、野田秀樹の演出助手として歌舞伎座「野田版愛陀姫」・NODA MAP公演「パイパー」、「ザ・キャラクター」、「南へ」、蜷川幸雄「欲望という名の電車」、松竹映画「CASSHERN」(紀里谷和明監督)など、ジャンルを問わず精力的に活動を展開している。
Tetsu Taoshita (1972) is directing in theatres and writing plays.
From 2000, he started his career in the theatre as a stage director and learned European theatre and stage direction under Prof. Dr. Michael Hampe.
In 2003, he joined The New National Theatre, Tokyo and worked as head of house directors (2004-2009).
At the theatre, he worked as an assistant and a revival director to Andreas Homoki, Philippe Arlaud, Keith Warner, Sir Jonathan Miller, Hideki Noda, Matthias von Stegmann, Grischa Asagaroff, Hans-Peter Lehmann, David Pountney, Josef Köpplinger, Emilio Sagi and many directors.
In 2009, he made his European debut at the Zürich Opera House, directing _Cavalleria Rusticana / I Pagliacci_ as co-director and choreographer (available worldwide on DVD).
He directed many operas, musicals and plays and has many upcoming productions including Japanese traditional theatres, NOH (July, 2019)
From 2008, he has also started working as a playwright. He has translated many Broadway and East End musicals and operetta into Japanese, including _Bonnie and Clyde_, _Promises, promises_, _By Jeeves_, _The Club_, _Nine Tails_, _Die Csárdásfürstin_, _Fra Diavolo_ and many pieces.
He published his own plays including _Private rehearsals_, _The portrait of Beatrice Cenci_ and is currently working on many unpublished plays.
He was born in Hyogo (Japan) in 1972 and studied Architecture and Stage Design at Tokyo University and Psychology at Graduate School of Tokyo University.
He is a guest professor at Nagoya College of Music and Senzoku Gakuen College of Music and an associate professor at J. F. Oberlin University. He teaches courses in musical theatre, musical analysis and directs musicals in his seminar.